For Dog Training Clubs, this is the place to list OBEDIENCE, RALLY, and Trick Dog matches.
For Dog owners, this is the place to find matches and enter them online. Home
About Us and is a site designed to make it easy for clubs to enter their matches online, and exhibitors to find a match and to easily enter them online

For exhibitors, our mission is to help with the tedious and repetitive process of finding entry forms, manually filling them out, writing checks, and addressing envelopes and sending the forms in the mail. Additionally, this site allows the exhibitor instant response to your submissions. 

For clubs, our mission related to matches is to help with the tedious and costly process of printing and distributing entry forms, and ensuring the selected audience is alerted of the upcoming match. The most cost effective process of this site for the clubs is eliminating the need for a club member to sift through the many mailed-in entries, gathering and documenting the checks, and entering each entry in the match at a selected class, time, and/or runthrough time. Additionally, this site eliminates the need to manually create the lists for the ring stewards with the exhibitors. All the above is now automated on this site.
For Trials, TrialEntries again helps with the tedious and costly process of exhibitor entries. 

For the trial secretary, TrialEntries generates every form needed to run a trial.  TrialEntries works deligently to keep up to date with the latest AKC requirements and revisions, which as we all know, are numerous. 

A bit more 'About Us'

This site was founded by a fellow dog owner and exhibitor in obedience and a busy person who, like most exhibitors, was tired of filling out entry forms manually and writing checks and sending mail...and then sitting back and hoping the entry made it in time and was accepted.

After graduating from college with a degree in Computer Science, I began working at a U.S. multinational energy corporation as a developer, then Solution Architect, then Solution Consultant.  I retired a few years ago but still do consulting work in the IT field.